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lol...not really too much. I guess Unreal Tournament 3 for my ps3....
nothing I really want on my 360 until Lost Odyssey....
Wouldn't mind some gift certificates for Gamestop/Bestbuy...
Would love a 7.1 Receiver & speakers, but too expensive for Christmas...

I actually prefer to give gifts...(there are 15 people in my family, including nephews & nieces) so we just draw names and buy for only one person. That way we can do something nice instead of getting a bunch of cheap $10-15 gifts for everyone--just buy one expensive gift. Anyhow, I got my brother-in-law this year and got him an 80GB ps3--(mainly to keep him out of my room--he's addicted to Warhawk).

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!)