- Not leveraging all their available assets. How does Sony get beaten to movies on demand when they own a movie production company?
- Backwards compatibility. Dropping PS2 backwards compatibility was probably a good idea financially, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
- No cross-game voice chat. Really. It's been over 3 years and Sony still hasn't figured it out.
- Lack of forward thinking. It really seems like Sony is content with playing catchup in nearly every aspect of the console wars. Hey, Microsoft released movies on demand, let's make our own store. Hey, Nintendo's motion controls seem to be popular, let's copy it. Hey, Microsoft has all these great XBox360 features (in-game XMB, custom music, crossgame voice chat, achievements, etc.), let's slowly copy them over several years with tons of incremental updates.
I love my PS3, but even I will tell you that Sony is slacking, and has no idea what direction it's going.