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Netyaroze said:
kowenicki said:
The gap should be almost exactly what it was when the PS3 launched.

Which means the PS3 and 360 have sold almost exactly the same amount since the PS3 launched 3 years ago.

I dont think the Slim/Pricecut had the dramatic effect some expected over christmas, infact the gap in the US is now bigger than it was before the Slim launched.


The Xbox360 sold  5.4 Million Consoles before the PS3 started so this gap should be closed already we just dont have the numbers. But infact PS3 sold quicker then Xbox360 because the PS3 was launched March 2007 in Europe and rest of the world. I thin even later in other parts. It started half a year later in the other half of the market. We have to add the additional sales of Xbox360 in others during those 6 months.


I will just make a quick calculation to make it 100% fair. Ps3 launched 11 November 2006 in NA and JAP the Xbox in 22 November 2005.


The Xbox sold 5.332 Mio Consoles until 11 November 2006 (actually the sales week ended really on launch day of PS3)


The Xbox had an advantage of 5.332 Mio consoles which is not even reached yet and the Xbox360 sold as quick as the PS3 in the same time period ? NO


Because in complete others the PS3 wasnt out yet so we have to add the sales during the 6 months in others where PS3 wasnt released and then we have the real difference and we can tell which console sold faster/better in the time period.


The Xbox360 sold between 11 November 2006 and 24th March 2007 in others were the PS3 was not launched yet 1204000 Consoles so the Xbox had a REAL headstart of 6.536 Mio Consoles. The difference is now 5.56 Mio:





The PS3 sold 1 Million Consoles MORE then the Xbox360 in the same time. This number is going to shrink even more and even if someone trys to argument with 5.3 Mio it will be void in some weeks. 


Even if most people dont care or dont want to care but fact is that the PS3 sold quicker then the Xbox360 in the same time.






I dont disagree that the PS3 has sold faster but I dont get what difference that makes to total sales.

It makes for pretty spin and puts the PS3 in a more positive light but it does not alter the cold hard fact that in the 3 years since launch the PS3 has barely closed the gap between it and its nearest competitor.