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After thinking about all the different things that have happened in the last year, I thought I'd take a shot at thinking up a new Wii, so, without further ado (a doo? adiu? adu?), here is my concept.

2ii (pronounced Too-ie) is the size of a computer hard drive with an infrared camera built in, much like the Natal camera, with less resolution.

Controllers are thinner and less round, but wider, and have little lcd screens on them.

Many games can be controlled without the controller.

Games play on 6-8 GB flash cards or mini-BluRay (17GB per gamecube sized disc).

Capability is roughly the same as the wii, but with much better video processing.

Consoles can connect to each other through a link similar to the DS's wireless and can share games between each other using only one disc/cart.


Also, the console prints money.



So? What do you think?

Basically, it's an extremely portable console with no load times and natal style control + wii style control