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darendt said:
This has already been found to be false. Also the fact that 1 layer is 15GB should be proof enough. There are plenty of movies out right now that use 50GB BD discs, so I dont see how this would be news anyway. So in short, 3 layer HD-DVD is 45GB, 2 layer BD is 50GB. Theyre are already 200GB versions that have been produced, so I would imagine a 3rd layer wouldnt be hard to get BD up to 75GB when needed. But its not needed right now as 50GB is fine. All the HD-DVD fans can praise any news as good news all they like, it still doesnt stop the fact that HD-DVD is losing worse and worse every month, and wont be around for much longer.

Em actually looks like HD DVD's gonna be aroud for a while.  At least till the agreement with Paramount expires.  I don't see how it could possibly die off before then.  And considering there is a blu ray in every PS3 HD DVD has done much much better than I would ever have expected.  Sales of Blu-Ray discs compared to DVD are still so insignificant that I can't see how HD DVD could die off anytime soon.  I think it's much more likely for both to die off within the next year than for only HD DVD to die off.