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You realize that your chart contains only three Wii games, one of which sold over a million, which SEVERELY skews your "average". As opposed to 6 different games on the PS3/360.

Similar to saying....Konami games on the PS3 have an average of selling 3.5M even though it's more like 1.5M, but MGS4 severely skews it, and the fact that there haven't been that many Konami games on the system meeting all the criteria.

I don't think the thread got owned...just yet

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3, Warhawk, Rock Band, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, DMC2, then 3, and Radiata Stories

"Stop the presses// It's been a while but I'm back in session// And in the past time my flow's matured more than adolescence// It's time to learn a lesson// So get you pen and your pad out, listen close, and take heed to this blessing"