I have to say, although I am a huge fan of the game and it is the only other online MP I've liked since Halo 3, it was indeed "Overhyped". Please let me explain, teh interwebz (particularly this forum) made this game out to be a transcendent experience, like the first time I booted up Zelda or Super Mario Bros on the NES or experienced 3D graphics with Mario 64, it was not that. I expected flawless graphics, with individual hairs on their heads and individual eyelashes as well, not the case. There were jaggies ,granted not many and not bad at all, but I expected none. The story was very good, but again, I expected it to rock my world along the lines of a Bioshock, instead it was more of the same. Which is great, because the same as Uncharted is very very good, but not world shattering. In the end I was slightly (ever so slightly, mind you) dissappointed in the game, due entirely to the amount of hype it got on these here forums. I'm kinda pissed that I spoiled it by reading all of the threads about it. Without the hype, I would have enjoyed it more, and that to me makes it "overhyped".