Akvod said: Because I kept killing her (indirectly, since I can really laugh at her), and stealing all the powerups in NSMB Wii O.o Now she'll be sipping wine behind me, and forcefully laughs at every mistake I make. O.o She also blames me for everything now, even if they're really not my fault O.o But she comes begging to beat a level whenever she's stuck O.o This game is really awesome for local multiplayer O.o O.o
Things I like to do: *Mom hovers over spikes, pit, lava, etc* "Help me!" "I'm coming!" *fires ice/fire balls* POP! wa-wa-wa-wa
*stands over a ledge/big jump* "You go ahead" "Ok" *picks her up and chucks her* (Alright, I only did that once, when I found out how to pick up)
*takes both powerups*
Big rams are coming our way and there's a little hole to take cover in. *Mom jumps trying to make it in* *I jump and bounce her into the air* *I duck, and mom gets squished*
Ahhhh, fucking great times. My mom said some nasty fucking things to me though O.o how I'm a spoiled only child, and I'm the reason why I have no siblings O.o |
my sister calls me selfish though... in fact, today she just lost it ...