arcane_chaos said: with every anticipated or exclusive game always come with more hype than what the game actually delivers. in the case of U2, yes it was a tad bit over hyped, mostly due to people glorifying how great the graphics were and its blockbuster movie effect(though there's wrong with that IMO) but I think my $60 on U2 was well spent, still playing MP. |
I agree. Can anyone name any well publicised, highly anticipated, exclusive game that 100% of gamers will agree wasn't overhyped?
Even 80%?
None. Such a game doesn't exist.
Every big game will be considered overhyped by those who honestly believe it is overhyped but mostly by those who don't like the genre, the console it is on etc.,
Speaking for myself I don't think U2 was overhyped.
Then again, that was easy as I am not the kind of person that buys into hype.
I am always wary of games scoring greater than 9.5/10 because I found out a while back that they rarely deliver.