nightsurge said:
Wow... you really are suffering from the egotistical elitist stigma that PC gamers do. Let me clarify since once again you don't seem to understand. You have to follow the laws of the country you are a citizen of! What you do while in Spain or Sweden has to follow their laws, but immediately upon returning to your own residential country you must resume following the laws of that said country. I would have thought this was common sense... guess not. And how does "it's the law" mean I cannot think for myself? We all have free will to do whatever we please. I choose to obey laws that are just. If they are unjust, they will naturally be filtered out. Just like your flawed argument of using past laws to say that all law is a useless argument. Those laws progressed naturally as the times did, as the people and places matured. Just as, eventually, piracy in Sweden and Spain and other places will begin to see just treatment and receive laws against them. The Pirate Bay was just shut down, and it was from Sweden. Some countries simply progress faster/slower than others in different areas. So once again, let me drive this point home. While you are a resident of and currently residing in a country that finds piracy illegal, it is and forever will be illegal/stealing. If you are in a country that allows it, then you can do it.... but only during the time you reside in that country and are bound by their laws. Hmmm.. it seems I can think very clearly and intelligently... I guess someone who can't make a unique and logical argument like yourself is really the sign of people who can't think for themselves. |
Stop spreading lies and missinformation the piratebeay is not shut down and has never been.
And please stop using the term pirating it only shows you have given in to your coutries brainwashing in this mutter. There is a big difference in downloading an pirating but the corporations want u and us to make it one term for all to suit their purposes.
As for dowmloading it will never be fully illegal here and there is actually evidence that more coutnries are going to allow downloading while pirating will still be illegal. The only countries going the direction u are suggesting are UK and France while most of the rest of the countries are leaning the other way.
Dowloading is the best tool u will ever have as a consumer and there is no argument you can make to the contrary, yes there will be people using it to only download and never buy but there are people that dont and why would you try and take that great consumer tool away from them? jelousy is the only reason and going to say its illegal in the US therefor it should be and will be illegal elsewhere is just egoistic stupid and another sign of the brainwashing your countries big labels have gotten away with.
Before you go to the you can download demos argument I just want to tell you that it isnt as widespread as in the us with demos here, they are hard to find especially if it isnt a big game or not on pc.
Before u say goitn to rewiers instead of downloading, this generation has shown very clearly that the rewiers opinions and the consumers are so far apart from each other that their rewies are obselete for the average consumer and it has been that way since before this gen it just shows much more this gen.
Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello" R.I.P AC Milan
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh
Is marijuana the best medicine?
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.