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demonfox13 said:

Sigh, if you choose to be blinded by the love and loyalty to Mario then so be it, any spinoff or otherwise that has had Mario  is part of the Mario franchise and it is milked. Or else we could say that FFVII was the only one in the series since Vincent's game Dirge of Cerberus isn't the "main series", we could also say that ODST, Reach and Halo Wars also don't count since they aren't main series which would be Halo 1, 2 and 3. By that same token COD would only include COD1, 2, 3, and WAW, while MW1 and 2 are something totally different. Just wait till Nordlead comes, I would actually care more about his opinion on the matter since despite being a huge Ninty fan, he is fairly open minded, not blinded and unbiased.

Yes, asscoiating games based solely on one character makes much more sense than using gameplay mechanics. Clearly New Super Mario Bros Wii is the long awaited sequel to Mario Kart Wii. The new tracks are a bit strange though, and a lot less circular.

Lumping them all together because of one commonality makes absolutely no sense. This is more true since most people would lump the Final Fantasy series together, and they don't even share a common world! When a spin-off becomes successful enough to spawn its own franchise then it is time to stop counting them in with the main franchise. For example, the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series of games is never used to show how "milked" Final Fantasy is. And those games come out like crazy it seems.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229