nordlead said:
YES!!! I don't have to send you money as I only got 23 games Anyways, out of the games I got 14 of them were under $20 out of my pocket (some were gifts). Total cost was ~$523 (not including tax, so real total closer to $564) averaging around $23 per game. |
Yeah I buy cheap too... let's see:
Okami - £12
Deadly Creatures - £24
Geometry Wars: Galaxies - £8
Sim City Creator - £10
The Conduit - £30
Tiger Woods '10 - £35 (inc Motion Plus)
F1 2009 (bought today ) - £30
Dr.Mario & Germ Buster
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Bomberman Blast
Swords & Soldiers
(combined points is 4000, which cost me £30)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - £9
Total - £188 for 12 games and the motion+ add-on.... full price games are usually £35-45