I think you're wrong. FF13 is fine, sales in line with the rest of the series pretty much, on lower userbase (although probably higher costs, so less profit, but that's another argument)
The PS3 news is not 'good', it's just better. At least sony is probably about to make some money, although not enough to offset the losses of the start of the generation.
Microsoft, despite lower sales, has a much sounder buissness model, and will probably come out of this generation with more money than sony, and vastly better market growth compared with last generation (Microsofts grew, Sony's dropped by a lot.)
Financials aside, this has been a awsome year for gamers on the PS3, and they probably don't care about how much money it makes, as long as it doesn't force sony out of the buissness, which seems unlikely.
I blame Wii Fit...+!!!