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That was very passionate and well presented.

Except nobody is copying the DS. While its 'gimmick' has been used in creative ways, if anything the DS has just replaced the Gameboy as THE standard for portable gaming. Its the PS2 of portable gaming.

As for the Wii, is it being copied? Well, yes, but not this decade. And while everyone loves to call the Wii innovative, it was NOT the originator of motion tech for gaming. Not even close. Nintendo found a way to capture the hearts and minds of casual gamers en masse with it, though. In that sense, its not really that much different than what MS did with XBL. Well, with one exception:

XBL has defined gaming more this decade than motion tech. XBL is a platform that an untold number of devs have been able to uniformly take advantage of to enhance their products and the experience by gamers. The Wii, while having HUGE successes, has not achieved that for more than a handful of mostly first party titles. After a few years, Nintendo is still the main benefactor of the Wii's success while with XBL all game developers have benefited.

In the end, though, this is Engadget's choice, not ours. They're the ones with the big money making website.