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I guess I'm one of the few among us that prefers innovation over refinement.  My personal picks wouldn't probably have been any of the games that were nominated, although I whole heartedly respect Gametrailer's choices.  I much prefer to have multiple games win awards from different websites because it shows a healthy range of games that apply to different types of people (such as Gamespot's decision to give "Demon's Souls" the GOTY award. 

As for the GT awards...if I had to pick of from that list myself, I would have picked Batman:AA simply because I'm not a big fan of sequels....overall (gotta say BRAWL nears perfection).  This is the same reason that I would never pick New Super Mario Bros Wii as GOTY.  It's ridiculously fun, but it refines rather than innovates, which is great for a good time, but does not push the envelope enough to be rewarded as best of the best.  Sequels are fine for what they are, but when that's all there is, everything starts to stagnate and all you get are "part twos" and "me-toos".  I guess this is why I love games from Suda 51 and Clover Studios/Platinum Games.  I'm also an 8-bit gamer at heart, so I guess my head doesn't turn for pretty graphics so much.   Today's pretty graphics are next months forgotten budget titles.  Graphics may fade, but gameplay is forever.

Edit:  Just wanted to add... Look at VGChartz reviews:  A healthy sampling of games across all platforms.  This is how end-of-year awards are done right.  Even if you don't agree with all of the winners, you must applaud their fairness and non-exclusive attitude in selecting the winners.