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vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
To me there is no hardcore or casual, just games. However there are simpler games and more complex games. For me complex and simple games are the most fun. The HD console games are half-assed simple and half-assed complex, hence generally very mediocre.

Is that why Uncharted 2 has beaten every Wii and PC game this year?

Well you have to realzie that the PC doesn't handle Platforming as well as console. But going back to my previous post, why should anyone bother making Uncharted 2 when Platforming games on the Wii annihilate it in sales?


Also I don't knwo if you noticed, but developers DID stop developing for the PC. Since the expectatoins for games are so high most shitty developers just started releasing on consoles instead, leaving the generally good developers behind, like Blizzard, Valve, Creative Assembly, etc.

Comparing a Mario game with new IP in this gen is a little unfair, dont you think? Also, Uncharted 2 is not a platformer

No it really isn't,It is. It would be like comparing my school's music band with the beatles but it makes more money, period. Isn't what all this is about? No, its not. I was comparing PS360 3rd party game sales with wii 3rd party games sales.What makes people more money? If that's the case and I can kiss good PC games good-bye, you can probably kiss your HDexcept that HD consoles make much bigger profits than PC console games good-bye as well. Luckily, as I stated, the best of the best developeers are still making PC games so I'm cool with that.

Also UC2 has pretty decent platforming elemens, It's an action adventure game .something the PC doesn't handle well with the KBD unless you plugged in an analog stick. However the quality of Uncharted 2 should have been the quality of UC1 and UC2 shouldn't have existed until next gen, I don't believe in sequels every year or two.

See now you are contradicting yourself. You are telling me that HD consoles make much bigger profits than PC games. Yet tell me that I can't tell you that Wii games make much bigger profits than HD games. Also last i chekced "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" is 3rd party and has sold exceptoinally well. Also it probably had 1/10th, and most prbably even less than MW2's $200 million cost. So tell me, wy should developers make MW3 instead of something like Mario and Sonic?

I guess you didn't understand me. I'm well aware it's an action adventure game. However it would handle very poorly with a KBD, just like Tomb Raider.

i said give me the name of the 1 3rd party wii game that sold above 5 millions EXCEPT Mario and sonic at the olympic games.


''So tell me, why should developers make MW3 instead of something like Mario and Sonic?''

Maybe because Mario and Sonic are owned Nintendo and SEGA, the 2 out of 5 companies that make profit on wii software

So now you have stooped so low you are eliminating games? If you want to be like that, name me any franchise on the HD consoles that has sold as much as the Sims (100+ million sales total) or World of Warcraft (at 12 million ACTIVE there's probably about 20+ million sold copies and similar numbers for the expansions).


Lets see, more than Wow :

- Grand Turismo franchise

- Resident Evil franchise

- Halo franchise

- Final Fantasy franchise

- Need for Speed franchise

- GTA franchise

- Call of Duty franchise

- Madden NFL



PS : units of Wow shipped don't corelate to the number of accounts because close to half the number of Wow accounts are in Asia and many people there are playing without needing to purchase a copy of Wow... Still I would agree more than 15 millions units of Wow have probably been sold...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !