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I leave this thread for a day and all I see is the PC "piracy isn't a big deal" side resort to whining and excuses. Clearly they have lost all plausible and logical arguments so they just resort to their elitist "They don't make good games for PC" crap. I agree, MW2 on PC is a pretty gay move, but all you people on PC do is whine whine whine. Grow up for once and start voting with your dollar. If you think console gamers are sheep, then why do you still buy the games you whine so much about, or still pirate them? If they suck so bad and are not up to your "standards" don't have anything to do with them.

I also love how Blizzard and Valve are praised as somehow the only 2 good PC devs when neither one has developed anything new within the last like 6 years. WoW just keeps getting lame expansions, and Valve is using the same engine they've used for 10 years with little to any refinement. Their games are good, but they are far from the best devs for many many reasons. The same reasons you bitch and moan about with other devs, actually. PC gamers = elitist hypocrite delusional sheep.