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vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
BladeOfGod said:
vlad321 said:
wyvers said:
vlad321 said:
Quoting myself from another topic:

I for one am REALLY REALLY happy with the MW2 numbers. Serves those idiots at Activision right. I certainly hope it got pirated more than it sold on the PC.

Before anyone says "ZOMG PC PIRACY!!111eleven" notice that all top 5 of the games on the PC sucked the big one hard, except maybe the Sims, which probably sold more than Thriller....

I just don't get this philosophy, are all your brains hurting?

If you are against the product, you could be happy that it doesn't sell well.

Why are you happy that it has been pirated?

Do you want every politician you don't want to vote to be shot or do you just don't give him your vote?


MW2 was utter shit. It was basically a direct console port with nothing else for the PC, in other words shit, it deserved to be pirated hell of a lot more than it already has and sold many many millions less.

So a console port is not good enough for PC gamers? They want MW2 PC version to be better than console versions, but they're still gonna pirate the crap out of it as usual?

Typicall PC gamer arrogance

It's not arrogance, the PC gamer expectations just aren't so low any shitty game can be passed off as good. It's a problem with the console gamers, not the PC gamers.

If he game had been solf for the amount of money i was worth, $10-$15, then I bet there would have been a lot less pirated copies.

Oh is that so?


Well than, i hope developers can focus more of their ''shitty'' console ports and give us, console gamers, more of their ''shitty'' games and forget about making any games for PC.

Don't worry devs will be making those "shitty" Wii games next generation and won't give a damn about you either.

Yes, because Modern Warfare, Resident Evil, Call Of Duty ( 3 and WaW ) and others sold sooooo much better on Wii than on PS360, oh wait...

Why should they bother spending soooo much money making those, when they can spend 1/4 of that money, make a Wii XXX game or something like NSMBW, and sell far far more than any of the ones you listed. By your logic, they shouldn't even bother. I didn't say they will stop making ports, I said that they will jsut stop making those games altogether because the HD games make shit money compared to Wii games. I'm sure the Olympic games sold more than most of your HD games too.

Hmmmm, i dont know... MW2 made nearly 500 000 000 profit on its launch. Halo 3, GTA IV, Gears 2, MGS4, LBP, ( and GT5 most likely ) made great profits. And tell me the name of 1 3rd party game that sold over 5 million on wii besides Mario and Sonic at the olympic games.


Those wii games that sold more than HD games are made by nintendo, not by 3rd party devs