Does anyone buy dynamic themes? Joke right?
Hi, my name is Procrastinato, and I am a Dynamic Theme junkie.
I know a LOT of dynamic theme junkies. I would never, EVER, buy a static theme, for any price. What a waste of money that is.
Dynamic themes though? I can't freaking help myself. They ROCK. Its just a big a waste of money as the static themes are... except... I dunno, they are freaking cool. Totally worth it, somehow. I have one lame one, but it only sucks because its too bright, and kinda hurts my eyes at night. All the rest are totally satisfying.
I own:
- Pixeljunk Monsters dynamic theme
- Ratchet & Clank: ACiT
- Afrika
- Star Trek red
- Star Trek blue
I only regret one of those purchases.