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Soriku said:
jarrod said:
Soriku said:
jarrod said:
Inazuma's doi ng amazingly. Bodes well for Nunokuni, which I expect will be an even bigger success (2 million club, here we come!).

I sort of wonder if Layton 4 might out-leg the previous trilogy? Wasn't that sort of the intent with adding the London Life RPG mode?

Oh yeah, remember we were talking about Ninokuni console version? duckroll on GAF clarified and the mobile one isn't the console one they were talking about. Like Inazuma Eleven, I'm expecting Ninokuni to hit the Wii as well.

IIRC, it actually started as a console project (probably for Wii), but L5 decided to refocus and do the DS version first.  If I was Nintendo, I'd be pulling every string I could to get IE, Layton and Nunokuni on Wii asap.

And speaking of Level-5, it's telling how they have more games in the top ten than Square Enix!  

They said they were making a DS version and then they had another version planned for an unknown console and both come with a book. Inazuma Eleven Break is already confirmed as a Wii game from the screens and they just said they weren't ready to show it off YET (same with Ushiro on PSP) and I don't expect Ninokuni to be any different. I wonder if the Wii will get Layton though...

When Nunokuni was first unveiled last year, they said the concept/prototype started on "a console" then moved to DS.  Given the spellcasting mechanic (drawing runes), everyone assumed that was Wii.  Then L5 clarified in it's trailer that it was still coming to "a console" in addition to DS.

I agree with you on IE Break.  Screens mean it had to be Wii or PS2, and Wii just seems far more likely.


If Wii gets Layton, I think they should switch up genres.  I'm also pretty sure Hino mentioned not wanting to bring Layton "as is" to Wii already.  Since L5's not making Dark Cloud games anymore, maybe they could make it something of a dungeon crawler with a Georama aspect?  Something like Young Layton as a student exploring ancient ruins around the world (Aztec, Egyptian, Tibetan, etc), with London (ie: Georama mode) for a home base? It'd work well with the theme, as well as historical British archeology. Fuck, now I sort of this game. :/

I think some Atamania games for WiiWare would make sense too.  Hell, they should do them on DSiWare actually, instead of retail.