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Soriku said:
jarrod said:
Inazuma's doi ng amazingly. Bodes well for Nunokuni, which I expect will be an even bigger success (2 million club, here we come!).

I sort of wonder if Layton 4 might out-leg the previous trilogy? Wasn't that sort of the intent with adding the London Life RPG mode?

Oh yeah, remember we were talking about Ninokuni console version? duckroll on GAF clarified and the mobile one isn't the console one they were talking about. Like Inazuma Eleven, I'm expecting Ninokuni to hit the Wii as well.

IIRC, it actually started as a console project (probably for Wii), but L5 decided to refocus and do the DS version first.  If I was Nintendo, I'd be pulling every string I could to get IE, Layton and Nunokuni on Wii asap.

And speaking of Level-5, it's telling how they have more games in the top ten than Square Enix!