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To sum up a title as FF XIII is finally easy. It is a bad RPG, a bad Final Fantasy, but also a sympathetic mix of reflexion and contemplation. The player go through the game in straight line of completely empty beautiful environments before demolishing the end of corridor boss and the various monsters interposing. The actual gameplay of the title is about its original and catchy combat system which focused as much on reflexes as with reflexion. The compulsive interventionism of the first 20 hours may irritate, but also reassure the beginners to whom the game is aimed at with his with beautiful adeventure side. Visually very impressive but rather poor on animations, the title is a postcard of every moment, an incredible aesthetic made with success. Add a scenario which mixes the large SF with some high-school girl 'fanfic', and you obtain a little empty but well made up curiosity. To try only for the splendid combats and the second part of the game, clearly fascinating and impressive.

+ Fabulous graphics
+ catchy combat system
+ fascinating second part of the game
+ splendid cinematics

- too many corridors…
- miss variety
- no side activity
- a large 20 hours tutorial is tiring

the game is most hated ff in japan and everywhere, noone likes it, i think it will do bad in west