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dsister44 said:
Horrorfest said:

I'll be getting the superior version which is the PS3. Getting the 360 version would be like getting The Orange Box for the PS3. If you have a 360 you get Orange Box for that and for Final Fantasy XIII you get it for PS3. But if all else fails Orange Box for the PS3 is no where near as bad as it was made out to be and FF13 will be as close as possible to equal with the PS3 version. However it's basically made for the PS3 so it will not be equal.


The thing about the PS3 version of Orange Box is that it was developed by a different team completely. Final Fantasy XIII is being ported by the same team, so the quality will be much closer to the "superior version". If anything it will turn out like Tekken 6 where the PS3 version was shafted to bring the 360 version up to par

How exactly was the PS3 version of tekken 6 shafted in favor of the 360 version? i see no major dif between the two to be honest, other then the fact the 360 version take even longer to load battles then the PS3 does.

And lol @ your other post, what did SONY themeselves ban you for?