Kudistos Megistos said:
Really, I don't know why people get so upset about people not preferring their favourite game that they have to say things like that. 6 isn't objectively better than 7, and whilst a lot of 7 fans haven't played 6, many of us have played both, don't care about graphics and still prefer 7. (inb4 someone accuses me of being equally upset about people not liking my favourite game; I'm fine with people liking some games more than FF7, but a lot of the arguments that get used in these debates basically amount to saying that 6 is objectively better and that 7 fans are ignorant, and that really grinds my gears) |
It's anecdotal, but from what I've seen, a vast majority haven't played both (obviously more people missed out on FF6). Even with those who played both, often they play FF6 after FF7. It's hard to go back and play an older game and objectively rate it, especially when going in the mindset of, "Let's see what this overrated game is about."
So if you played the FF's in chronological order, and you still enjoyed FF7 more, I think you're in the minority. (...Not that it matters much)
Of course people are allowed their own preferences, but I'd say FF7 fans are attacked on the internet since they seem to dominate the "real world." It's not unlike preferring the Wii over HD consoles. "Casual" vs "Hardcore" FF fans, right?