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nordlead said:

I think Nintendo took the better road than most other companies. Where is the local multiplayer in Killzone 2, Dirt 2, and hosts of other games that have multiplayer, just not local. Reviewers used your argument to dock points from NSMBWii, but replace online with local and no one gives a crap, but luckily Nintendo does.

Now, lack of online multiplayer is a legitimate complaint, but everyone knew it wouldn't since we first learned of the game. However, sales of this game shows that the "hardcore" forum dwelling video game player is out of touch with reality, in that most people don't care and would much rather play with family/friends in one place, or don't even care about the online component in this game. This game will sell 20-30m units but online would tack on what, maybe a few 100k sales?

This i think is part of the mentality that's keeping them from embracing online. Sony and Microsoft have seen the benefit to sales that online brings, whereas the only Nintendo games that i think have benefitted sales-wise from online have been Mario Kart: both DS and Wii.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.