Dude, don't get mad because your arguments don't hold up.
You can get mad if you'd like... but it'd be better if you stopped looking at things like the world is a giant conspiracy against Sony. You're taking this thing far too seriously for some reason. You should look at things without bias and realize why things happened like they did.
Think about things logically. Development of CBHD began in 2005? Right? Before the format war was ended correct? Where either could win?
Why was this. Because Blu-ray had unreasonable licensing. Had HD-DVD won after do you think CBHD would of showed up? No.
There would only be HD-DVD. Including in China. Why is that? Because China is conspiring with Toshiba against Sony? No. It's because Blu-ray had unreasonable licensing costs while HD-DVD did not.
The problem was. Blu-ray prices started out way too high and they weren't willing to give assurances that liscensing costs would be reasonable.