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Sorry, I really have no idea how many BR titles are available.
According to Netflix, they had 1900 BR titles as of 2008.

Here,, shows categories with totals, but most of the movies have multiple categories. So, I picked the largest one, 'drama' which has 3300, assuming drama incorporates all the other movies, just to make a conservative estimate (not including porn either)

So really we are looking at about 50M$ for most of the licensing costs alone on a very very very conservative estimate. (for example, comedy is almost surely not drama, which consists of another 1800 titles...and no porn...which is probably also in the thousands.)

All in all, there is a F**** gigantic amount of profit made by the BDA on it's own, so I really wonder how much of ANY of the licensing profits get distributed...


My numbers:

And no, I don't know what their costs are either. So it's pointless to argue who makes what.