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richardhutnik said:
Carl2291 said:
A game on multiple platforms is a multiplat (or a console exclusive depending on how much you actually care), not an exclusive.

Final Fantasy 14 is a multiplat or a console exclusive.
Gears of War is a multiplat or a console exclusive.
Left 4 Dead 2 is a multiplat or a console exclusive.

If you don't like the truth... Then i lol in your general direction.

And the markets are different. Odds are, if someone is a heavy console gamer, they won't own a powerful enough PC to play the games that are also on ther PC.  So, for all practical purposes, the game is exclusive to one console.  It all depends on the market, and it shouldn't be a big deal either way.

The fact that PC and consoles are on different markets (which is not entirely true, not in this era) is irrelevant... If the platform is getting the same game as the other platform is not an exclusive... FFXIV (PS3/PC), DC Universe Online (PS3/PC), Left4Dead (360/PC), Mass Effect (360/PC) and World of Goo (Wii/PC) are not exclusives...

I have said it in other threads, if people want to count games that are on the 360 that are not on the PS3 (or viceversa) that's fine, Mass Effect is not on the PS3, Final Fantasy XIV is not on the 360 (both have rumours but nothing official)... But to call Mass Effect/FFXIV a 360/PS3 exclusive when i can (and will) play them on my PC legally, is wrong... It doesn't matter if one sells better than another, or if people that play on PC don't play on consoles, once again that's irrelevant...