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TRios_Zen said:
Hus said:
Natal the big hope lol, casual controls on the most hardcore console.

Is it really so hard to see that Natal is just a big experiment ? they are trying out if "natal" can possibly be the main controls on their next console.

Unless is see Halo and Gears with Natal only controls, it tells me they aren't all that serious about it THIS gen.

Pristine isn't a 360 supporter, so I hope you weren't quoting him as counting on "natal" as the big hope.

Your views on natal not withstanding, I'd pick the 360 to hit first.  PRICE drives this bandwagon IMO, and I think that MS is just milking profits right now before they announce the next price cut, spiking sales in the other direction in America/Others (Japan is a lost cause).

Price does drive it, but depands on how big the price cut is.  Once at $200 price cuts tend to be small.

MS will HAVE to cut price in Europe just to survive, GT5 will destroy it unless they cut price.  A MS price cut in Europe will maintain what is happening there right now.  It wont Swing Europa in MS favor.  Not with GT5 coming.