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First, I agree with article in the original poster post. Second, I don't plan to by 50" TV anytime soon. I'm a college student living in a small room kinda and my 20" HDTV that does 720p to 1080i satisfy me at the moment.

Like its been said there isn't a difference between 720p and 1080p from 42" or lower and if you can see a difference then your eyes aren't human and your just bragging because you have put money into a 1080p TV while others saved money and are satisfied with there 720p and you want those owners to feel bad. Having 42" or higher is only necessary if your house if huge and you will be sitting a huge amount of feet away from the TV to begin with.

My 20" LCD HDTV is perfect for me and more than likely the others that own 720p sets see the visuals awesome.

I personally never really cared for HDTV because it was all hype rather than something that was just being bought and I only bought a HDTV just because I was looking for a spacious TV, which was a LCD.

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