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25 (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy (+)

16 (Wii) Metroid Prime 3

10 (360) Bioshock

9 (360) Mass Effect
9 (DS) Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training 2

7 (Multi) The Orange Box

6 (PS2) Okami

5 (Multi) Rock Band
5 (PS3) Rachet and Clank

4 (PC) Gears of War
4 (PC) Crysis
4 (PS2) God of War 2
4 (PC) Unreal Tournment 3
4 (PS3) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

2 (Multi) Call of Duty 4 (-)

DEAD (PC) World in Conflict
DEAD (PS3) Heavenly Sword
DEAD (Wii) Resident Evil 4
DEAD (Wii) Super Paper Mario
DEAD (PS3) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
DEAD (Multi) Assassin Creed
DEAD (PS3) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
DEAD (360) Halo 3

Add +1 if you believe that game should be GOTY
and -1 if you believe that the game does not deserve to be GOTY

Add one and take one each time you vote
Vote once per hour MAX

Creative innovation is the ultimate disruption...

Predictions for December 31st 2008:
Wii 38,000,000
DS 84,500,000
PS3 17,000,000
PSP 41,000,000
X360 23,000,000