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Okami was released last year ( and got game of the year from IGN, I think) Why is it on this list?

22 (Wii) Super Mario Galaxy (+)

15 (Wii) Metroid Prime 3

9 (360) Bioshock
9 (360) Mass Effect

8 (DS) Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training 2

6 (Multi) The Orange Box
6 (PS2) Okami

5 (Multi) Rock Band
5 (PS3) Rachet and Clank

4 (Multi) Call of Duty 4
4 (PC) Gears of War (-)
4 (PC) Crysis
4 (PS2) God of War 2
4 (PC) Unreal Tournment 3
4 (PS3) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

3 (PC) World in Conflict

DEAD (PS3) Heavenly Sword
DEAD (Wii) Resident Evil 4
DEAD (Wii) Super Paper Mario
DEAD (PS3) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
DEAD (Multi) Assassin Creed
DEAD (PS3) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
DEAD (360) Halo 3