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Flow said:

I didn't read it all but saw you had a nightmare and knew you were dreaming and tried to wake up, when you know you are dreaming this is called Lucid dream and you can do ANYTHING you want in it , next time don't try to wake up.

Take a look at this site and into the forums, you gonna like it.

 No, I tried to control it but I couldn't. I knew while I was dreaming that it was a lucid dream. I could walk around, completely decide what I wanted to do in the little area I was in, I was fully aware it was a dream and that it was a lucid dream, but I could not wake up nor influence it so as to make me be in happy sunshine land. 

So yeah :/ it was freaky. I've never had a dream that I was so aware it was a dream.

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker