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ChronotriggerJM said:
Kasz216 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
My point was trumpeting Blu-Ray's sales in this manner, (73% of market) is rather pointless when you realize how small the HD market is, sure its beating HD-DVD, but both are still being trounced by DVD

But this isn't a comparison between DVD and Blu-ray, therefor that less than one percent just so happens to be the target of focus in this thread. If you really don't care about either format then your fine, dvd isn't going anywhere anytime soon :) HOWEVER for the people wanting to speculate on the current rate of succes in the Blu vs. HD-DVD war, then this information is somewhat usefull.

However it being such a small number pretty much invalidates the results as pointless as it would be easy to overturn. This info isn't useful at all for speculation unless you enjoy jumping to conclusions.

It's about as good for Speculation as HD-DVD's talk of attach rates in europe. With HD-DVD having an attach rate of 3.8 with Blu-ray having an attach rate of 0.6. (attach rates mean nothing.)

 And I'm not sure if you could be more right :) but, given the topics name and direction that wasn't for the DVD fanboi's to decide. People jump to conclusions about everything nowadays, and although its the smallest portion of the pie for sure, its 77 percent that HD-DVD doesn't have, if it means the world to those who support blu-ray, let them have their pie. No one needs to shit in it :)

How so?  The topic at hand is that Blu-Ray has 73% of the HD-DVD market.  Saying that the HD-DVD market is not big enough to viably draw any long lasting conclusions from the percentage is PERFECTLY on topic.