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For the people that is waiting to decide what to purchase (Blu-ray/HD-DVD) I wouldn't go for any.

The high definition formats are something fancy to spend your money in, but please stop making believe to the people that one of those will be a universal format that everyone will have to rush to the shop and buy.

I don't have any of those, and I think that all these 'news' and discussions that are on the internet are just creating a need that the general public doesn't have but people is making an effort convincing the customers that you need HD in your house, and that the only way of getting it is through Blu-ray and/or HD-DVD.

HD formats are entering the homes of the people at the same speed that they realize that formats are ending.

People download music, and now in more and more houses, when signing to digital TV, you get your HD channels with movies on demand.

I'm not talking about downloading an HD movie, TV in demand is what people are investing in.

Sorry if this sounds a bit out of topic but its to try to give a different opinion on all this format wars, giving the third option.

If someone mentions that the market of Blu-ray/HD-DVD is just a 1% of the DVDs is to show to the hesitating customers that there's no rush yet to purchase any.

If you like having the last fancy gadgets, go ahead and spend your money.

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