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arf I'm dieing laughing when I hear that those 3 games alone beat any line up ever... come on people.... first GT is not the best race car simulation on the market so fan of that shouldn't be more attracted by PS 3 than XB or PC.... MGS I admit that even if I couldn't care less about that game(same thing for splinter so it's not fanboyism) it will push console... no way it can turn the tendancy... NO WAY .....
Killzone 2 I'll believe it when i'll see it... but no way it will push units like a halo 3 did even if the game is really better...

now the exclusive 3rd party are frankly aimed at the japanese market which won't be the savior of PS for that generation so it's useless... and trust me if PS3 doesn't sell better soon they WILL lose exclu and XB WII will gain exclu from western 3rd parties

now I expect a better line up in 2008 for XB than thise year... and even if they don't have a game meeting MGS... over all the line up already looks more diverse and interesting on XB 360 and they didn't even start to talk about it.... MS right now has more bullets in there clip than Sony... simply because they have more money to back it up and are not bleeding as bad as Sony right now... I won't start to make a line up comparaison it has already be done.... without talking about XBL developement with episodic games that will totaly change the industry way of thinking and developing for console...

so in other words... I repeat beside a miracle independent from those 3 games, there is absolutely no sign that PS3 can catch up on any of the two console right now... MGS/GT is no way enough said to say best line up 2 games come on it's what I bought in 2 weeks on XB this month... one was alright AC the other awesome mass effect...

ok to finish I say it again... it never happened before I don't see why it would be different for PS3... especially since every brand on the market as had at least one bad generation... trust me for sony it will be PS3 no doubt about that...