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windbane said:
shams said:
There are some excellent games in that list, but I still have no interest in a PSP - whatsoever. Every single one of those games would be better on a Playstation 2 (or any other modern console). I'll stick to handheld games when traveling, and to console games at home thanks.

What game wouldn't be better on a Wii that's on the DS? Brain Age? Aren't they bringing that to the Wii? Dragon Quest 9? I'm sure that could be better on the Wii. I'd prefer New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii because I played the classics on a home console.

My point here is that you could argue that point for any handheld game. The point of the handheld is that it's portable. Being able to play MGS, GoW, DMC, KH (oh wait, wasn't that on the GBA?! oh no!) is a nice thing.

Portable Ops was designed around the PSP so that the missions were short. A whole new idea of recruiting soldiers was added. Sure, that game could be better on a console, but the missions would have to be made longer, so a direct port wouldn't really work on a console.

Tactics is a great game for the road. Monster Hunter was designed around portable gaming as well.

I would be perfectly content if you just said you don't prefer the PSP games, but this comparison to PS2 franchises makes no sense. Why are all the Nintendo franchises good on the DS but the PS2 franchises aren't good on the PSP?

Totally!  People seem to forget that the PSP is a portable gaming system.  As you've said, there will be many games on the DS that would be better on the Wii...but the whole point is that the DS is a portable games machine, meaning that you can play the game on the move take your whole system whereever you go and still play the game.

Yes most of the PSP's games would be better on the PS2...but you cannot take your PS2 on the bus to play games (we you could try, but what a mess!!).

The thing is, you can play all sorts of games from RPG's to Racers to Platforms to Adventure games all on the move.  Actually, here's an example...I get a lift to my take an hour each way to may work....over the last three days I've been playing Vice City Stories, Me & My Katamari and Tomb Raider Legend...great fun I'm having.

Also, all this talk of DS is better at this and that.  Stats don't lie and people love the DS and buy DS games in their droves and yes, the DS does have more unique DS games....but.....I personally feel that the PSP provides a more all rounded portable gaming experience by fullfilling all gaming categories:

Adventure, Arcade, Driving, Fighting, Flight Sim, Platform, Puzzle, Role Playing, Shoot'em'up, Sports & Strategy.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)