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ioi, I completely apologize. The comments were meant to be light-hearted and no ill-intent was meant whatsoever. I was just harassing the poster for going on a rant about what seemed like his friend's opinion of Rock Band when he had virtually nothing of substance to offer the thread. I'm really surprised that so many of you take this shit so seriously. If you look at my post history, I'm known for going a bit off-color at times but I'm not actually serious about any of it.

Again, I apologize to the poster who I told to "shoot himself in the head" but if some of you think I was actually serious about it, get a grip. I'm not going to tell someone to commit suicide over a freaking video game. Not everything in the world needs to be some PC agenda and you don't need to get outraged over a little light-hearted harassment. It's a video game forum, fer Christsakes.

Wait, is "fer Christsakes" offensive? I apologize in advance.

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