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Hey guys,

I made a poll about the PSP Go. I just checked Media Create numbers for the week ending 12/20/09.

PlayStation3 237.086 75.086 1.654.013
Wii 191.915 135.898 1.747.238
Nintendo DSi 95.227 68.184 2.835.069
PSP 79.194 71.885 2.070.518
NDSi LL 75.241 58.006 354.834
Nintendo DS Lite 12.879 11.376 508.329
Xbox 360 8.965 10.646 363.014
PSP go 3.260 3.077 64.400
PlayStation2 2.982 2.463 195.666

the PSP Go sold 3.2k units and 64.4k since launch. In comparison, the original PSP sold 79k this week and 2 million this year. The DS sold 170k this week (all models).

So, dou you think the PSP Go is a failure?

I don't think Sony expected this do be so bad.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...