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Netyaroze said:

Its not pointless the USA had a big image damage because of the iraq war and a lot of Muslims turned against usa and western civilziation. The extremist where always like this but even the calmer ones started to doubt the USA.

The Iraq war affected the people way more then you maybe think. They are actually pretty pissed because of Iraq. It caused a lot of damage. Because the extremist sold the iraq war as a war against all muslims to the people and they bought it. And yes Iraq is a democracy but without power and if the US will leave the country then the extremist will start to take over the country atleast they will try. It wont have a good end.

I havent heard good things about the circumstances in iraq. They told me it was horrible the country is a mess. And I really hope it will be like you say and Iraq will be a stable democracy but I fear this wont happen.

The future will show if the iraq war had something positive. And I know for sure that the Iraq war was bad for the image of the Usa in muslim countrys and even in the west. Thats for sure. I dont remember people saying bad things about the usa right after 9/11 but this changed quickly after there were discussions about iraq. Obviously you wont recognize it if you live in the US but It happened definetly.


I think we should stop here this leads us nowhere..

So... a war that helps most of the Iraqi people in Iraq... is a war against all muslims.

If a lot of people believe that... they're idiots... or just people who were predisposed to think that way anyway and would of changed opinion on any little thing.  Such things are economic.  People will be predisposed to terrorism in that area as long as they feel powerless and are relativly poorer.  Hence why these attacks are often targeted not only at the US but begnin rich europeon nations like Denmark. 

If the roles were reversed, very likely the same thing would happen... though regardless... the actual actions of the nations being attacked by the terrorism are a lot less important then you think.


Things didn't occur that smoothly in Iraq, mostly because Bush didn't protect the right infrastucture and disbanded the entire Iraqi army rather then just sorting out the extremists... however things there right now are pretty well off comparitivly... and Iraq looks like it's going to be a lot better off then under Saddam.


Wasn't worth it, and wasn't a war to fight since nation building is ridiculiously expensive and strenous... and usually doesn't work out too well even when successful for the "host" country.  However, Iraq does look like it will be a success.

Iran is funding a lot of the Iraqi terrorism... but once the USA leaves... a lot of that will probably disapear.  Since the Iraq government actually has a lot more in common with Iran then the USA.

Which is the ironic thing... and pretty much spells out why this wasn't some super secret plan from Bush.  We went through the trouble of kicking out the major counterpoint of Iran and putting into power a bunch of people who mosty were in exile... in Iran.