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Sempuukyaku said:
couchmonkey said:
Dr.Grass said:
Joelcool7 said:
i think the real question here is: What if the next nintendo console is yet again technically inferior to the competition?

I don't think thats the real question. Nintendo fans don't mind being a little inferior to the competition. But we do expect that Nintendo will at least beat PS3. I'd pay another 300$ for a PS3 power console next gen from Nintendo, I don't care if it is a little inferior to the PS4/NexBox as long as the console isn't drastically inferior. I was fine with the Wii being 2x the X-Box and would be fine with the next console being the same power as PS3.

Ask any other Nintendo fan whether they care if Nintendo is graphically inferior to PS4/NexBox and I bet most won't really care that much. Then again third parties will most definatly care! But I don't buy Nintendo consoles for third party games so I could give a flying crap what they think lol!

That's the problem right there.  Do you want to lag behind the other consoles playing only ports and half-assed excuses for games, or do you want to play some MGS, GTA and other awesome franchises.  The wii being technically inferior to the competition this gen has condemned unintendo fans to playing a cart load of sub-par games.  I'll buy the next nintendo console even if it's just 2 wiis taped together(wink, wink), because the reason i play games is to play nintendo games.  Be this as it may, the gap between nintendo and its competition this generation is too abyssmal to be over looked, and I for one most definetly hope next gen will be diferent.

I agree.

Even though Nintendo is #1 for me, I think they could've at least tried to put a powerful processor in there. The gap, as you say,  is too large. Next gen I want to see some quality 3rd party games and not just shovelware.

I hate to say it, but graphics matter. It's not everything, but it does matter.

But why should we assume that more power would equal higher-quality third party games?  That wasn't really the case for GameCube which didn't get MGS or GTA.  It got better multi-platform releases than Wii, but that's not saying much.

Gonna have to agree there. The fact that the Gamecube had pretty much the same install base as the Xbox, and we didn't get GTA, is pitiful. I mean, yeah let's try to get 3rd party support....but we can't rely on them (outside Japanese 3rd parties). We're going to need to have more software diversification outside of the core franchises so that we're self-sustaining.

If Wii was capable of outputting 720P then it sure as hell would've got more ports from PS360.

Gamecube was in a unique situation. Oh, and MGS did turn up on GC (sort of).