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Andysw said:
a12331 said:
jneul said:
Just to remind everyone I will still be renting FF XIII, even if WKC is like FF XII it will be bearable, In FF XIII not being able to choose your character for most of the game is a really bad thing to do, IMO, SE needs to learn it can't get away with these kinds of decisions, gimping the FF series should not be accepted in any way.

i do not know what the problem with what they did is. i found it that it worked well and they wanted you to be involved with the story and not want this character. SE did a great job with ff13 and you are truely judging a game before even playing it. 

Lets put it this way,






Can only control one character per battle

No leveling up system

Cannot buy items

First couple hours are straight linear




yup pretty much sum's up why i cancelled it, but like i said the biggest deal breaker for me was the battle system, i don't mind linearity, because it actually worked well in FFX, but FF XIII has more bad points then good, perhaps SE should look at their prorities again, becuase to me it should be story & game play >> graphics

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