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LOL, I guess I'm the only one who liked Resistence 2? I thought the graphics were really good, with a few hiccups now and then. Best water effects I've seen so far. Listening to the radio broadcasts by JFK (I think that's who it was) kinda had me pissed and wanting to take down some damn aliens. Guns were fun and levels were pretty well laid out. I didn't get bored like you sometimes do in large levels. And man, some of the sights in those levels were breathtaking.

Loved some of the creepier parts, too. Like going through dark hallways with creatures running at your ass out of nowhere. Or busting open a "pod" in said hallway to see a dead, not fully developed alien fall in front of your face. Walking through a nice neighborhood with "pods" laying everywhere, only to have them pop open with so many creatures that they filled an entire yard coming at you. Or the movie theatre area, which I think was a slight nod to Gremlins, where at least 50 enemies at once just start running at the stage trying to kill you. Or being in the plantation house, finally thinking you cleared the area, only to have a huge creature stalk you from the outside.

Having said all that, I doubt they will go multi-plat. Though I wouldn't dislike them if they did. I also think they could handle a survival/horror game. Looking forward to it if that is their plan.