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Weekly analysis for FFXIII week:

2 nearly perfect predicitons this week (ioi's revised prediction for Wii and ZorroX's prediction for PS3).

WEEK ENDED DEC 20 Wii: 192,875 PS3: 242,452
Prediction Error to 10M thru Jan 31 Prediction Error to 5M thru Jan 31
ioi (original) 180,000 -12,875 -6.7% -169,412 175,000 -67,452 -27.8% -275,477
ioi (revised) 190,000 -2,875 -1.5% -129,412 165,000 -77,452 -31.9% -304,727
ZorroX (original) 125.000 -67,875 -35.2% -279,412 245,000 +2,548 +1.1% -15,477
ZorroX (revised) 155,000 -37,875 -19.6% -279,412 - - - -

Predictions within 15%.  Predictions worse than 30%.