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Dr.Grass said:
CGI-Quality said:
Netyaroze said:
If I remember correctly there is only one game that has true 1080p all other games have weird resolutions and are upscaled like you can see in the list above onlg GT5 willbe 1080p and even 60fps. Wipeout hd is not true 1080p i read somewhere why but i already forgot.

Wipeout HD dips below it at times, it's so few times you won't even notice it, but if I'm not mistaken GT5:P is rendered in 720p and then upscales.

I WISH I could play Wipeout! The internet situation here is a beaaatch and as far as I know there's no other way to play Wipeout except dl. Wip3out was one of my fav games.


You can get Wipeout on disc as well. The disc-version is not officially released yet I think, but a few weeks ago they sold a Wipeout PS3 Slim Bundle here in germany which already came bundled with Wipeout HD/Fury, so you can already buy it on eBay. I bought a copy a few days ago and it was even cheaper than downloading. On PS Store, Wipeout HD + Fury costs 25 Euros, whereas I got the disc-version for just 16 Euros including shipping. Great deal, great game, great graphics!

OT: It's true, there is hardly any "normal" game running 1080p natively. The PS3 and the 360 are both simply not powerful enough to render most games in 1080p. If a game really supports true 1080p, that usually means the graphics are rather simple.

But I'm still glad I got a Full HD TV for my PS3. Even though almost all games on disc aren't actually 1080p, a lot of PSN Store games really are, and they look great on my TV. A full HD screen is also very handy when using the PS3 internet browser or watching Blu-Ray-Movies.