Its great to see that finally PS3 is giving some tough time to XBOX n to some extent to Wii in Japan, but they r still no where in comfort zone.. rather i will say they have finally got their act together n now they have a chance to do good if they dont make stupid mistakes they did earlier..
The biggest problem i see that Sony needs
1. some ever green titles, which can sell week after week n yr after yr.. Like MS has Halo, Nintendo has so many to list... Sony doesnt have any.. u see MGS launch with 1.5 million n then thats a long tail only. Only title doing so, so far is Uncharted 1 to some extent
2. Sony needs to push their first party to have a title ready in holiday period.. I still believe had they got one more big exclusive title launching in November it would have been an even better story.. like GT5 or GOW III or or even Heavy Rain or atleast WKC in America...
3. The advertisement was better but there is always room for improvement..
4. Lastly but not least, where is the PR.. come on, they should tell they r selling 3x faster than last yr, to make the people feeel like that only they r left buying it..
I think the price is now right.. advertisement quality is better but not quantity.. and they have exclusives coming out but they need to make them come out at the right time..