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Netyaroze said:

Nobody here assumes that Sony is doing financialy well. Everybody here knows that the financial situation of Sonys gaming devision is far from good.

But its a step in the right direction MS had never 1 million week not even 900k week. its an achievment and it shows that the race is far from decided. After holidays the gap should be the lowest gap between Xbox and PS3. 5.4 mio is possible and the year looks great for Sony unless natal is a huge success. The Gap can be closed. Pricecuts from MS could slow down the progress but everything depends on Natal.

i guess the next step for MS will be 249 for Elite or 299 Natal SKU and 149 for Arcade. But this will happen in fall 2010. until then Sony can close the gap by 1-2 Millions and then we still dont know if sony has not a Pricecut too and if natal will move really huge amounts of hardware.

MS is dedicated to shareholders. Sony is japanese company they have long term plans and quick profit is not necessary. MS is american Company which has a different philosophy maybe they just want to make a win this gen and dont care if Sony wins with 10 million as long as they gained the losses back which would increase share value. You cant know how MS is thinking they base their decisions on various arguments. Which are unknown to everyone. So its not a given that MS would make everything to win against sony. its better for them to focus on wins because the share holders would appreciate that a lot more then winning an imaginery console war with 5-8 Million consoles or less.

They could sell the Xbox at 99 Dollar without a problem they can afford it easily they wont do it because of their share value which would dro immensly Sony has not such a problem. I read an aricle that Sony has a way smaller pressure from share holders then MS. For MS are numbers the only important thing and they have seen with the GC that a low price can even damage the image.

Two things:

1. If Microsoft lost as much money on the 360 as Sony did on the PS3 they would have had a few million selling weeks.

2. Nintendo is a Japanese company and their long term plan was make money at the start and keep making money from then on. Do you know they made more in one year than Sony did with the PS1/2 combined.

