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It will be interesting to see what happens to this legislation over the next couple of months ...

Last I heard, opinion polling had a healthy majority of people who believed that it would be better to start from scratch than to pass this bill; and, because the Democrats don’t want to be trying to pass healthcare reform in an election year, this bill was passed anyways. This bill is still not a law yet, and I wouldn't be surprised if in the new year moderate Democrats were looking for a way to scale back and streamline the bill to make it more pleasing to their electorate while more progressive Democrats were looking for a way to expand the bill to make it more pleasing to their electorate; which could drag out this battle for another several months, possibly resulting in lower polling numbers and a defeat in the mid-term elections.

While I wouldn't put money on it at this point in time, I could still see this bill failing to become a law if half the Democrats facing re-election will lose their seat if it is passed while the other half will lose their seat if it doesn't pass.