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Mostly just commentary on the final boss. I may write a review, because i have a rather complex opinion on the game itself (though i enjoyed it a lot overall)

I loved:
the final dungeon, where you had to keep switching between Phantoms to do different jobs. Added a whole extra layer of complexity to the game, and really made you think.

The trek through the Dark Realm where you have to kill the other trains. It's Pac-Man with trains, and it was win.

The fight with the Demon Train itself, high-speed, train-flanking, rail-switching, cannon-shooting action.

The fight with Malladus and Cole in the beginning. It was awesome having Zelda serve as the human shield against Malladus's beam.

The very end against Malladus, where you had to make his back appear in Zelda's field of vision, so she could shoot it. Complicated, but at just the right amount. A satisfying fight.


I hated:
The middle fight with Malladus where you're trying to protect Zelda. It's like Punch-Out!!, if Punch-Out!! made you restart the damn fight every. single. damn. time the enemy got a hit on you.

Having to use the spirit flute in between that really bad fight, and the more awesome final fight. It completely crushed momentum, and was totally pointless.


So i loved more than i hated, though i'll admit it took me a really long time to tackle that damn middle fight. The ending was rather fulfilling, though a bit cliched at points. The end of the character development was really satisfying, with Zelda finally having grown into her role.

What did other people think?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.