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Weekly update time:  FFXIII edition.

This was originally posted in the Wii 10M / PS3 5M Japan contest located here:

1) Last week's numbers were adjusted up slightly for Wii and down slightly for PS3.

2) Wii is about 50k higher than its best week last holiday season.  Everything to say about PS3 has been said already.

3) It looks like some adjustments have been made to earlier in the year as the PS3's original head start of about 60k has been reduced to 56k.

WEEK ENDING DEC 20 Wii to 10M PS3 to 5M Lead
LTD total 9,260,588 4,332,273 Wii: 4,928,315
Left to target 739,412 667,727 PS3: 71,685

This week (yoy)

192,875 (+36.7%) 242,452 (+532.8%) PS3: 49,577
Since race start (yoy) 723,576 (+25.4%) 738,949 (+181.0%) PS3: 15,373